World Rabies Day 2017

World Rabies Day is fast approaching, and as always, we count on your kind support to spread the message far and wide among your networks, as well as encouraging your organisations to participate and share the events with GARC by registering here. This year the theme is Rabies: Zero by 30reflecting and supporting the global goal of zero deaths from canine-mediated rabies by 2030.

We have website and social media banners branded with the theme and its colours – please let us know if you’d like any other versions for your network – download here.To find out what kind of events you could run and how to set them up have a look at our World Rabies Day manual.

Over the last few years, social media has helped us to reach millions of new people with rabies prevention messages. On your posts and comments, please use the hashtag #WorldRabiesDay to help others hear what you’ve got to say.We’ll be busy on Twitter and Facebook leading up to World Rabies day so tag us (Twitter @rabiesalliance; Facebook @GlobalAllianceforRabiesControl) and we’ll cross-promote your posts where we can.

For the second annual World Rabies Day Awards, brought to you by MSD Animal Health and GARC, we’ve updated the criteria so that individuals working for international groups can also be nominated in the individual category, and the organisational category is limited to charities/NGOs registered in the country where they work.  We hope that this will encourage more nominations for community-focused rabies champions. Please submit nominations here.