Dr. Dau Ngoc Hao, President of FAVA, Dr. Shane Ryan, Past President Dr. Heru Setijanto Vice President and President-Elect ,Dr. Paul Chelliah Treasurer, Dr. Bambang P. Priosoeryanto, Ex-com, and Dr. Achariya Sailasuta Secretary General attended the FAVA ex-com special meeting, on the 17th March 2017, 9.00 – 12.00 a.m., at FAVA Secretariat office, Bangkok, Thailand. It was honorable that FAVA secretariat welcomed the ex-committee on their visit. In addition, our group visited OIE sub-regional for South East Asia, Dr. R. Abila and his colleagues. The office was located in the Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operative, Royal Thai Government. The meeting was successfully done and the agenda will be continued in the 39th FAVA Council meeting in 33rd WVC, 26 August 2017, Incheon, Korea.