The 15th Asian Association of Veterinary Schools Congress

The 15th Asian Association of Veterinary Schools Congress  and Joint Workshop of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine

2016 FAVA President’s Report

At the 2015 FAVA Council meeting in Ulaanbaatar, the council set FAVA a number
of goals to achieve prior to the 19th FAVA congress in September 2016 to be held
in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

One of the most important – the review of the FAVA constitution (and by-laws) –
also proved one of the most contentious. A constitutional update became
necessary once FAVA established & registered its permanent office in Bangkok.
An initial review to modernise & update the constitution (beyond a simple
amendment) was started during the 2014 Singapore Council meeting & then
continued at the 2015 Mongolian meeting. However, the turn-out for the online
voting in February this year to approve the draft constitution was insufficient to
constitute a quorum. As such the new constitution was not adopted and we are
still operating under the 1993 charter. The matter of how to proceed with
constitutional reform/changes now remains to be discussed by the council this
September. I would encourage all FAVA representatives to closely read the
current constitution prior to our meeting.