FAVA Congress 2018

FAVA-ASCM One Health Educational Pre-congress Workshop and the 10th ASCM Meeting


FAVA-ASCM One Health Educational Pre-congress Workshop  and the 10th ASCM Meeting, 20th -22nd October, 2017, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

FAVA   and  Asian Society of Conservation Medicine, ASCM  held  One Health Educational  Pre-congress Workshop  on  20th October, 2017  at  Universiti  Malaysia  Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.    Prof. Dr. Achariya   Sailasuta, FAVA Secretary General was an invited speaker in the topic of   Role of FAVA in  One Health in Asia  and  the invited speakers; Dr.  Pam  Whiteley (Wildlife Disease Association, Australia),   Dr. Chen- Chih Chen (National Pingtung  University of Science and Technology, Taiwan) and Prof. Dr. Junpei Kimura (Seoul National University, Korea).  During 21st – 22nd October 2017, FAVA has participated the 10th ASCM meeting in  Damai Beach Resort, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The meeting has successfully facilitated an exchange      of information  in conservation medicine in  Asia,          and foster friendship and collaboration among Asian countries.